
Practicing InVERsions during pregnancy

Inversions during pregnancy? Well, its quite natural to have many eyebrows raised at this idea of practicing inversions through pregnancy, but before we measure it with a common yardstick and jump to any conclusion it’s nice to remind ourselves that all our bodies aren’t designed to be all similar. So it’s good to do what … Continue reading Practicing InVERsions during pregnancy

What happens in VAGUS, doesn’t stay in VAGUS!

Welcome to fabulous LAS VAGUS! The longest and the most complex of the 12 cranial nerves in our bodies. The VAGUS are a pair of nerves extending directly from the brain, one to the right side and the other to the left. Here’s the vagabond that connects your brain to many important organs throughout the … Continue reading What happens in VAGUS, doesn’t stay in VAGUS!

Bashing the Jet Lagged Zombie with Yoga

Travelling is always a delightful experience! If you are a wanderlust with a gypsy soul, even taking long flights across different time zones could be exhilarating. While there is so much excitement that backs you towards the destination bound adventure, there is an irky side to this long flight journey that awaits you post flight. … Continue reading Bashing the Jet Lagged Zombie with Yoga

Embracing the culture of CorporateYoga

The beauty of yoga is that it can be practiced pretty much anywhere! Well, this includes your workspace too. Going a step beyond Desk Yoga or stretching by your desk....How about turning your meeting rooms into Yoga Rooms post office hours? Many Organisations like this one here in Singapore make this happen! These wellness warriors … Continue reading Embracing the culture of CorporateYoga

Download Yoga to Upgrade Emotional intelligence

The interest in intelligence dates back to thousands of years. This probably explains the obsession over Intelligence Quotient (IQ)and raw intelligence from the early 19th century till date. This ideefixe also had a cool outcome- Artificial Intelligence! The initial boom of AI was tagged to the assumption that machines with intellectual capabilities could exceed the … Continue reading Download Yoga to Upgrade Emotional intelligence

Decoding Ashtanga Primary Series.. beyond “Breathe, Jump back, Jump through, Repeat”in

Just like an interesting trailer would entice one towards a movie, a video which was recorded back in 1993 and now available on youtube starts with a disclaimer, which makes an unusual but an intriguing start. It briefs that this form of Yoga (Ashtanga) illustrated in the video should only be practiced by qualified experts. Ashtanga … Continue reading Decoding Ashtanga Primary Series.. beyond “Breathe, Jump back, Jump through, Repeat”in

Turning Drop backs from “Mission Impossible” to “Mission Possible”

Dropbacks are probably the most challenging part of the Ashtanga primary series; apart from being a benchmark for progress in the physical aspect of your practice, it requires the practitioner to go beyond the physical and the mental boundaries set by oneself. It isn't surprising that Dropbacks are perceived to be a threshold to determine … Continue reading Turning Drop backs from “Mission Impossible” to “Mission Possible”

Breath, the exquisite string that holds the beads in a YogaMala..

Mala in Sanskrit corresponds to "garland", which in the yogic meditative sense refers to a chain of beads joined at the ends to form a wreath. On observing the intricacies of a Japa Mala one would notice specifics like the number of beads in the Mala which would typically be 108 or its divisors like … Continue reading Breath, the exquisite string that holds the beads in a YogaMala..